Land Use in the Cannabis Legalization World
California municipalities are beginning to face difficult decisions related to land use and planning regarding cannabis legalization. Cannabis growing and processing is treated as an industrial use in most cities, which adds an added layer of complexity to land use decisions where lack of housing is also an issue. Housing and in-fill proponents are concerned that approval of a cannabis project will encourage more cannabis uses in the area, which could make housing less likely and end up creating a cannabis-focused zone. On the one hand, cannabis cultivation and processing facilities bring their own challenges to the table, including security and public relations concerns. On the other hand, in many ways cannabis operations are more compatible with residential uses than many historical industrial uses, which often create environmental problems and challenges for surrounding residents. An indoor cannabis grow operation, while perhaps unseemly to some people, does not likely present the air quality, groundwater contamination, or public safety risks that a metal processing plant, a refinery, or even a dry-cleaner or gas station does. In many ways, indoor growing operations are more akin to an agricultural use, which is generally considered more compatible with residential uses.